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Sample Questions
Question no 1
Which is a purpose of a Project Brief?
A. Capture lessons from previous projects
B. Ensure that there is a common understanding of the starting point for the project
C. Confirm that the Project Plan is able to deliver the Business Case
D. Define the quality techniques and standards to be applied during the project
Answer: B
Question no 2
During the Managing a Stage Boundary process what product is updated with estimated costs and time for the stage that is about to begin?
A. End Stage Report
B. Team Plan
C. Work Package
D. Project Plan
Answer: D
Question no 3
Identify the missing word(s) in the following sentence, PRINCE2 recommends three levels of [?] to reflect the needs of the different levels of management involved in a project,
A. Management strategies
B. Plan
C. Stakeholder interests
D. Time-driven controls
Answer: B

Question no 4
What product identifies the management stages and other major control points in a project?
A. Business Case
B. Project Plan
C. Work Package
D. Project Brief
Answer: B
Question no 5
Which is the purpose of an End Stage Report?
A. Summarize progress to enable the Project Board to decide what action to take next
B. Summarize how the project performed against the version of the Project Initiation
Documentation used to authorize it
C. Provide a detailed analysis of a deviation and offer options for the way to proceed
D. Provide a plan for the next stage of the project
Answer: A